nice quality for special records. Notes on "fit"
of course i would love for them to be less pricey, because i would love to use these that much more. Another review confused me likening these to baseball card sleeves, but these 7mm Hard Outers are closer in my mind to the clear plastic "slipcase" sleeves used occasionally on special records (see: Mondo 2001 by Alex North; Scavengers Reign). These are not hard like plexiglass, but i don't want to say "flimsier" as though it's a bad thing. For an outer sleeve, i was very impressed with it's hardness, and so far, clarity / transparency for something so thick.
These will not fit every jacket you have, especially gatefolds. And I would argue it's not about how wide the "opening" dimensions are, but rather the overall interior width of the sleeve. You could "side load" a gatefold maybe, but not to-load, if this makes sense. That being said, I have some very "full" packaged single sleeves, and these to-loaders are absolutely brilliant for them.
These look good on your shelves certainly, but are excellent "display" pieces. I purchased the 5 pack and have no regrets. If the price-per-unit ever comes down (without reducing quality of firm plastic), i would buy in bulk for special projects